英文An awe-inspiring story是不是译者?
awe: 赞叹
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (March 6, 1475 – February 18, 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet and engineer. Despite making few forays beyond the arts, his versatility in the disciplines he took up was of such a high order that he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with his rival and fellow Italian Leonardo da Vinci.
Michelangelos output in every field during his long life was prodigious; when the sheer volume of correspondence, sketches and reminiscences that survive is also taken into account, he is the best-documented artist of the 16th century. Two of his best-known works, the Pietà and the David, were sculpted before he turned thirty. Despite his low opinion of painting, Michelangelo also created two of the most influential works in fresco in the history of Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling and The Last Judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Later in life he designed the dome of St. Peters Basilica in the same city and revolutionised classical architecture with his invention of the giant order of pilasters.

In a demonstration of Michelangelos unique standing, two biographies were published of him during his lifetime. One of them, by Giorgio Vasari, proposed that he was the pinnacle of all artistic achievement since the beginning of the Renaissance, a viewpoint that continued to have currency in art history for centuries. In his lifetime he was also often called Il Divino ("the divine one"), an appropriate sobriquet given his intense spirituality. One of the qualities most admired by his contemporaries was his terribilità, a sense of awe-inspiring grandeur, and it was the attempts of subsequent artists to imitate Michelangelos impassioned and highly personal style that resulted in the next major movement in Western art after the High Renaissance, Mannerism.
Michelangelos David, sculpted from 1501 to 1504, is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture and one of Michelangelos two greatest works of sculpture, along with the Pietà. It is the David alone that almost certainly holds the title of the most recognizable statue in the history of art. It has become regarded as a symbol both of strength and youthful human beauty. The 5.17 meter (17 ft) marble statue portrays the Biblical King David at the moment that he decides to do battle with Goliath. It came to symbolize the Florentine Republic, an independent city state threatened on all sides by more powerful rival states. This interpretation was also encouraged by the original setting of the sculpture outside the Palazzo della Signoria, the seat of civic government in Florence. The completed sculpture was unveiled on 8 September 1504.
米开朗基罗·博那罗蒂(Michelangelo Bounaroti, 1475-1564),意大利文艺复兴时期伟大的绘画家、雕塑家和建筑师,文艺复兴时期雕塑艺术最高峰的代表。1475年3月6日生于佛罗伦萨附近的卡普莱斯,父亲是奎奇市和卡普莱斯市的自治市长。他13 岁进入佛罗伦萨画家基尔兰达约(Ghirlandaio)的工作室,后转入圣马可修道院的美第奇学院作学徒。1496年,米开朗基罗来到罗马,创作了第一批代表作《酒神巴库斯》和《哀悼基督》等。1501年,他回到佛罗伦萨,用了四年时间完成了举世闻名的《大卫》。1505年在罗马,他奉教皇尤里乌斯二世之命负责建造教皇的陵墓,1506年停工后回到佛罗伦萨。1508年,他又奉命回到罗马,用了四年零五个月的时间完成了著名的西斯廷教堂天顶壁画。1513年,教皇陵墓恢复施工,米开朗基罗创作了著名的《摩西》、《被缚的奴隶》和《垂死的奴隶》。1519-1534年,他在佛罗伦萨创作了他生平最伟大的作品——圣洛伦佐教堂里的美第奇家族陵墓群雕。1536年,米开朗基罗回到罗马西斯廷教堂,用了近六年的时间创作了伟大的教堂壁画《末日审判》。之后他一直生活在罗马,从事雕刻、建筑和少量的绘画工作,直到1564年2月18日逝世于自己的工作室中。米开朗基罗代表了欧洲文艺复兴时期雕塑艺术的最高峰,他创作的人物雕像雄伟健壮,气魄宏大,充满了无穷的力量。他的大量作品显示了写实基础上非同寻常的理想加工,成为整座时代的典型象征。他的艺术创作受到很深的人文主义思想和宗教改革运动的影响,常常以现实主义的手法和浪漫主义的幻想,表现当时市民阶层的爱国主义和为自由而斗争的精神面貌。米开朗基罗的艺术不同于达·芬奇的充满科学的精神和哲理的思考,而是在艺术作品中倾注了自己满腔悲剧性的激情。这种悲剧性是以宏伟壮丽的形式表现出来的,他所塑造的英雄既是理想的象征又是现实的反应。这些都使他的艺术创作成为西欧美术史上一座难以逾越的高峰。
传世作品如是说: 《大卫》,云石雕像,像高2.5米,连基座高5.5米,米开朗基罗创作于公元1501-1504年,现收藏于佛罗伦萨美术学院。米开朗基罗生活在意大利社会动荡的年代,颠沛流离的生活使他对所生活的时代产生了怀疑。痛苦失望之余,他在艺术创作中倾注着自己的思想,同时也在寻找着自己的理想,并创造了一系列如巨人般体格雄伟、坚强勇猛的英雄形象。《大卫》是这种思想最杰出的代表。大卫是圣经中的少年英雄,曾经杀死侵略犹太人的非利士巨人哥利亚,保卫了祖国的城市和人民。米开朗基罗没有沿用前人表现大卫战胜敌人后将敌人头颅踩在脚下的场景,而是选择了大卫迎接战斗时的状态。在这件作品中,大卫是两个肌肉发达,体格匀称的青年壮士形象。他充满自信地站立着,英姿飒爽,左手拿石块,右手下垂,头向左侧转动着,面容英俊,炯炯有神的双眼凝视着远方,仿佛正在向地平线的远处搜索着敌人,随时准备投入一场新的战斗。大卫体格雄伟健美,神态勇敢坚强,身体、脸部和肌肉紧张而饱满,体现着外在的和内在的全部理想化的男性美。这位少年英雄怒目直视着前方,表情中充满了全神贯注的紧张焦虑和坚强的意志,身体中积蓄的伟大力量似乎随时能爆发出来。与前人表现战斗结束后情景的习惯不同,米开朗基罗在这里塑造的是人物产生激情之前的瞬间,使作品在艺术上显得更加具有感染力。他的姿态似乎有些象是在休息,但躯体姿态表现出这种紧张的焦虑,使人有强烈的“静中有动”的感觉。雕像是用整块的石料雕刻而成,为使雕像在基座上显得更加雄伟壮观,艺术家有意放大了人物的头部和两个胳膊,使的大卫在观众的视角中显得愈加挺拔有力,充满了巨人感。这尊雕像被认为是西欧美术史上最值得夸耀的男性人体雕像之一。不仅如此,《大卫》是文艺复兴人文主义思想的具体体现,它对人体的赞美,表面上看是对古希腊艺术的“复兴”,实质上表示着人们已从黑暗的中世纪桎梏中解脱出来,充分认识到了人在改造世界中的巨大力量。米开朗基罗在雕刻过程中注入了巨大的热情,塑造出来的不仅仅是一尊雕像,而是思想解放运动在艺术上得到表达的象征。作为两个时代雕塑艺术作品的最高境界,《大卫》将永远在艺术史中放射着不尽的光辉。
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (March 6, 1475 – February 18, 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet and engineer. Despite making few forays beyond the arts, his versatility in the disciplines he took up was of such a high order that he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with his rival and fellow Italian Leonardo da Vinci.
Michelangelos output in every field during his long life was prodigious; when the sheer volume of correspondence, sketches and reminiscences that survive is also taken into account, he is the best-documented artist of the 16th century. Two of his best-known works, the Pietà and the David, were sculpted before he turned thirty. Despite his low opinion of painting, Michelangelo also created two of the most influential works in fresco in the history of Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling and The Last Judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Later in life he designed the dome of St. Peters Basilica in the same city and revolutionised classical architecture with his invention of the giant order of pilasters.
In a demonstration of Michelangelos unique standing, two biographies were published of him during his lifetime. One of them, by Giorgio Vasari, proposed that he was the pinnacle of all artistic achievement since the beginning of the Renaissance, a viewpoint that continued to have currency in art history for centuries. In his lifetime he was also often called Il Divino ("the divine one"), an appropriate sobriquet given his intense spirituality. One of the qualities most admired by his contemporaries was his terribilità, a sense of awe-inspiring grandeur, and it was the attempts of subsequent artists to imitate Michelangelos impassioned and highly personal style that resulted in the next major movement in Western art after the High Renaissance, Mannerism.
米开朗基罗·波纳罗蒂(Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni,1475年3月6日—1564年2月18日),1475年生於佛罗伦斯加柏里斯镇,伟大的雕塑家、建筑师、画家和诗人。他与李奥纳多·达·文西和拉斐尔·桑乔并称「文艺复兴三杰」,以人物「健美」著称,即使女性的身体也描画的肌肉健壮。他的雕刻作品「大卫像」举世闻名,梅第奇墓前的「昼」、「夜」、「晨」、「昏」四座雕像构思新奇,此外著名的雕塑作品还有「摩西像」、「大奴隶」等。他最著名的绘画作品是梵蒂冈西斯廷教堂的《创世纪》天顶画和壁画《最后的审判》。他还设计和初步建造了罗马圣伯多禄大殿,设计建造了教宗尤利乌斯二世的陵墓。米开朗基罗脾气暴躁,不合群,和达·文西与拉斐尔都合不来,经常和他的恩主顶撞,但他一生追求艺术的完美,坚持自己的艺术思路。他於1564年在罗马去世,他的风格影响了几乎三个世纪的艺术家。
有关 自由女神的英文作文,80词(带译者的)
The United States, the Statue of Liberty, cultural heritage, in 1984 the World Heritage List.
Goddess of the steel frame design in Paris from the Eiffel Tower design, the statue by the French sculptor维雷勃
designed and completed in Paris. French Government to commemorate the
of the logo image, as a celebration of the 100th anniversary of independence of the United States presented to the United States a gift. Since been completed in 1886, it stands in the entrance of New York Harbor.
Statue of Liberty as a symbol of the United States, located in the United States west of New York City, Manhattan, a small island - free on the island, holding her torch in New York, Hong Kong stands at the entrance, at the city observe day and night, since the late 19th century ushered in since the to the millions of immigrants to settle in the United States. In 1984, it was inscribed on the World Heritage List.
Statue of Liberty like the French people a gift presented to the American people is a symbol of
like 46 meters high, with a
base of about 100 meters high, is the time to commemorate the worlds highest building, its wholly-called "Statue of Liberty Bronze as national monuments, "officially known as" the Statue of Liberty illuminate the world ", the entire statue to 120 tons of steel for
, 80 tons of copper for the skin to 300,000 Liu nail fixed in the stent assembly, with a
weight 225 tons, the statue inside the steel stent is维雷勃
by the
and the construction industry world-famous Eiffel Tower in Paris France Eiffel design engineers produced.
Goddess lips closed, wearing the crown of
, dressed in Roman loose robe, the symbol of the
of the right hand高擎torch a few meters long, left hand grasping a copper top, engraved with Roman numerals, "the United States Declaration of Independence," published date - Year 4 July, 1776, strewn with the shoes and the chain has been broken, lifted his right foot with the road for like, a whole to get rid of the yoke, to come forward before the rebel image of the
, an air of masculinity to the inviolability of people a sense of awe-inspiring. And the dignified又似a rich body of ancient Greek beauty, warm and natural feel. When the time comes夜暮, statue lighting up the base of the exposure, the mirror was like a
of the jade淡青色. Goddess crown from the window lights in the shoot, it would seem that the heads of the goddess is made up of a string of golden lights flashing, to the lively bustle of the city and added to the
is quite spectacular. To create a
of the Art of French sculptor
迪, the image of the goddess from the 17-year-old when he witnessed the exciting scene: in 1851, the overthrow of Louis Bonaparte of France launched a second coup Republic. One day, a group of party members in the streets to build the Republic of Defense official, who started street fighting with the coup. Around dusk, one loyal to the Republican regime, young girl, holding a
torch, jumping obstacles, shouting "Forward" slogan to the red enemies, and the expense of the unfortunate shot. Since then, the brave girl高擎torch sculptor became a symbol of the pursuit of freedom in mind, In addition, the goddess of the body as to the wife for
was created from the face while his
In 1869, Patel completed a draft of the design of the Statue of Liberty. Imaging project in 1874, completely built in 1884 to complete, before and after the last decade, the statue had only the index finger 2.5 meters long, 1 meter wide, and nails 75 cm thick.
July 6, 1884, formally presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States. August 5, the foundation works statue base, the base about 27 meters high, made from granite, concrete. The following is a base to enter the
the depths of six meters of concrete columns. The
is a military fort, star anise was in 1808-1811 in Hong Kong in order to strengthen the defense of New York built in 1840 renovated. June 1885, the entire statue is divided into more than 200 pieces of packing, from Lyon, France by tugboat to New York. In mid-October 1886, 75 workers in the
will rivet 30 about 100 parts, a combination. 28, U.S. President Cleveland presided over a million people to participate in the opening ceremony of the Statue of Liberty. In 1916, President Wilson for the goddess of the night to install the lighting system is immortal and presided over the ceremony. The U.S. government in 1942 made a decision to the United States the Statue of Liberty as a national heritage.
More than a century, standing on the freedom of the Statue of Liberty statue on the island has become a law the people of the United States and the United States national symbol of friendship, the
of the American people will always fight for democracy, longing for the noble ideals of freedom.
美国,自由女神像,文化遗产,在1984世界遗产名录。从埃菲尔铁塔在巴黎设计的钢框架设计的女神,由法国雕塑家维雷勃杜克设计并完成了在巴黎的雕像。法国岛上,她手持火炬在纽约,香港站在门口,在城市观察白天和黑夜,自第十九年代后期以来迎来了自于移民数百万的人在美国定居。1984,它被列入世界遗产名录。自由女神像是法国人民的礼物赠送给美国人民是自由的象征,goddesslike高46米,有totalbase高约100米,是为了纪念世界上最高的建筑,其全称为“自由女神像青铜作为国家纪念碑,”正式被称为“自由女神像照亮世界”为框架,钢120吨,整座塑像,为肌肤300000柳钉固定在支架总成80吨铜,与totalweight 225吨,钢支架内维雷勃杜克雕像是由建筑师建筑业闻名世界的埃菲尔铁塔在法国巴黎埃菲尔设计工程师,生产。女神双唇紧闭,穿着耀眼的皇冠,身着古罗马宽松的长袍,右手的自由高擎火炬几米长的标志,左手抓铜顶,刻有罗马数字,《美国独立宣言,“发布日期年七月1776,4,充满鞋链已被打破,抬起右脚的道路一样,整座摆脱桎梏,挺身而出,在女神的气宇轩昂反叛的形象,两个男子气概的神圣不可侵犯的人有更让人敬畏的。而又似机身丰富的古希腊的美丽,温暖的和自然的感觉。到时候夜暮,雕像照明曝光的基地,镜子像一goddessof玉淡青色。在拍摄从窗户里灯光女神的皇冠,它似乎是女神的头是由两个字符串的黄金闪烁的灯光,城市的喧闹活泼,并添加到两个相当壮观之夜。创建两个masterpieceof法国雕塑家巴特尔迪艺术,女神的形象从17岁时,他目睹了激动人心的场面:路易斯1851,法国的波拿巴发起了第二次政变推翻共和国。有一天,在街头的党员队伍建设的国防官员的共和国,与政变者展开巷战。暮色时分,一位忠于共和政体,年轻的姑娘,拿着一burningtorch,跳跃障碍,高呼“前进”的口号向敌人冲去,不幸中弹牺牲的。自那时以来,勇敢的女孩高擎火炬雕塑家成为另外两个自由的心,追求符号,身体的女神为妻巴特尔迪原型创建的脸,他的母亲。1869,帕特尔完成了自由女神像的设计稿。1874成像方案,完全建立在1884完成,前后历时十年,雕像仅食指就有2.5米长,宽1米,厚75厘米,指甲。1884年7月6日,自由女神像正式赠送给美国。八月五日,地基基础工程的雕像底座,底座高约27米,由花岗岩,混凝土。以下是两个基地进入castlecenter弗特伍德六米的混凝土柱的深度。该castleis军事要塞,八角是1808-1811在香港为加强纽约建于1840装修的防御。1885六月,整座雕像是从里昂分成200多件包装,由拖船,法国纽约。1886十月中旬,75名工人在scaffoldingwill铆钉30约100部分,结合。28,美国总统克利夫兰主持了一百万人参加的自由和美国的国家象征友谊,表达美国人民将永远争取民主,向往自由的崇高理想。